An Affiliated Chapter of IIBEC      IIBEC ( formerly RCI, Inc.) is an international association of building enclosure consultants. Members specialize in design, investigation, repair, and management of roofing, exterior wall, and waterproofing systems.

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Lunch and Learn - August 2023

  • Monday, August 21, 2023
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM (CST)
  • 2643 N Interstate 35E Suite #100, Carrollton, TX 75006


Registration is closed

BECx As Risk Management 

For years, we've focused on commissioning a building's dynamic systems for overall performance, assuming the static exterior envelope would perform well too. Recently, commissioning the exterior envelope (Cx) has gained importance for optimal building performance due to factors like updated codes, incentives (like LEED credits), and a surge in construction defect lawsuits related to the envelope. This presentation explains how envelope commissioning mitigates risks tied to exterior design, construction, and potential litigation.

Learning Objectives:

  1. The History of BECx (The legal environment, Influences, Roofing, Windows and Flashings)

  2. The Cx Process (Construction Cx, What's Driving Demand, Hurtles)

  3. Navigating the Cx Process (The Basics, Predesign & Design, Construction, Delivery)

  4. Understanding BECx Testing (Lab Testing, Field Testing) 

Speaker:  Benjamin R. Scales, RRC, RRO, WRT, BECxP 

Speaker Bio: Benjamin R. Scales is an accomplished and dedicated building industry professional with a passion for driving innovation and excellence in the field of sustainable architecture and building enclosure design. With a deep background in construction science and extensive experience in overseeing complex projects, Mr. Scales has consistently demonstrated a strong commitment to optimizing building performance and ensuring regulatory compliance. His expertise lies in mapping the life cycle of building enclosure tasks, focusing on risk mitigation, quality assurance, and legal dispute resolution. As an advocate for the building envelope sector, Mr. Scales is dedicated to identifying and addressing unique challenges to foster a more resilient and sustainable built environment.

Meeting Location: Soprema Facility

Meeting Address: 2643 N Interstate 35E Suite #100, Carrollton, TX 75006

Registration start time: 11:30 am

Presentation begins: 12:00 pm

Member/Friend of the Chapter Cost: $30

Mon-Member/Guest Cost:    $40

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